Returning to Worship in Person
Greetings to You in Christ’s Name,
Since we last worshiped together in person in the heart of Lent, we have traveled through a lot of wilderness. We rebuilt worship from the ground up and observed Holy Week online. We proclaimed “Christ is risen” with a digital Easter service and celebrated Pentecost online. We have come a long way since March 15th. After much deliberation, brainstorming, and implementation, we will begin modified worship in person on July 26th with safety protocols. Small groups, teams, and committees are permitted to use the building by appointment only at this time with the same protocols.
When we gather at the end of this month, it will be nothing less than a celebration of resurrection and new birth. However, things will be changed like they were after the stone was rolled away and the tomb was laid bare. After the resurrection, Jesus’ disciples had to modify their behavior. The Romans and Religious Authorities were on the lookout for Christ-followers, so the disciples had to be careful about the way that they gathered because of the dangers of their time. During COVID-19, we must do the same. We need to look out for each other.
You will find the safety protocols for attending worship during COVID-19 below. If you are uncomfortable with these requirements, you are encouraged to continue following along with worship online. Please review the following guidelines.
These safety guidelines are part of our covenant with you to keep you safe and healthy during this time. Please contact the office ( or 414-481-3530) if you have questions or concerns. We will continue to move responsively and responsibly to the Spirit, so we can continue to gather in person. I look forward to seeing you soon.
In Christ’s Name,
Pastor Dan Stark
Attending Worship in COVID-19
*Please plan to arrive at least 15 minutes early for worship.
*Enter using the Lenox St. door.
*Sanitize your hands upon entry, either at the stairway or landing of the Lenox St. entrance.
*Have your temperature taken by an usher (must be below 100 degrees to attend worship).
*If your temperature is 100 or over you will be asked to return home to care for yourself.
*Put on a mask (You can bring your own or a disposable one will be provided).
*Register for worship with the usher. Provide your name and contact information.
*Make your way to the Sanctuary and use the 6ft social distancing markers.
*If you need to use the rest room please sanitize the room after use according to the posted instructions.
*An usher will escort you to a seat in the Sanctuary. Although no bulletins will be used at this time, large print bulletins and hearing devices will be made available for those with accessibility needs.
*Offerings and envelopes can be placed in the offering trays on your way in or out of the sanctuary.
*On Communion Sundays you will be invited to take a prepackaged wafer and cup as you enter the sanctuary. You will discard the waste in the receptacle on your way out of the sanctuary.
*After worship, the ushers will direct you out of the sanctuary using the Lenox St. exit.
* We will not be hosting coffee hour at this time.
*Please use the hand sanitizer as you exit the Sanctuary.
Additional Information
*Video screens will be used for the order of worship.
*Collection plates will not be passed. Donations should be placed in the trays upon entering or leaving the Sanctuary
*Communion trays will not be passed. Disposable elements can be picked up prior to entering the Sanctuary.
*Prayer requests will be announced by the Pastor. Please submit them to Pastor Dan or Debbie during the week by phone or email prior to the service.
*At this time there will not be any childcare or nursery care available.
*The only rooms open for use on Sunday mornings are the Sanctuary and restrooms.
*The Chapel will only be opened by an usher for seating if all seating is utilized in the Sanctuary.